My Stuff
"We don't wonder about the bird's profit in singing: we know singing is a pleasure for it, cause so was it created for. Similarly we must give up wondering why we make so much effort in trying to unveil the secrets of the Universe. Our Creator has matched our spirit to our senses, and that not only for we to make possible living out of it -yet this is much better achieved for many living species without rational soul-, He has done it so that we, starting from the existence of the things that we see with our eyes, gain the understanding of their change and essence even though not any material profit is made out of it..."
The sound of the four strokes
One wishes to watch sports where sportmen fight to their utmost from beginnig to end; a sport where you can see a respectful behaviour between the contenders; and a sport where nobody wants to be second: then ..., welcome to the Motorbike World Race Championship!! continued...

Bike and Moto-club
I have had a scooter 50 cc for five years until I decided it was the time for a change. I gave a careful look to the market and I wasn't happy with the scooter philosophy so it was a time for a good change. While I was looking at city-bikes, all of a sudden I realised my increasing interest in the MotoGP world and started to look other possibilities. After a careful inspection to the market and after a few authorised opinions I decided to make the best purchase of my life: Suzuki GS500. A good bike for starters and, at the same time, one that allows going out with friends on weekends on a sport mood. continued...
Un Viaje a México
El proyecto de ayuda en la escuela "Ciudad de los Niños" en Monterrey (México) se ha llevado a cabo desde los dias 16 de Julio al 2 de Agosto de 1997. El viaje de ida tuvo lugar en avion via Londres y Houston. Desde esta ultima ciudad, el viaje se realizo en autobus. La llegada a Monterrey tuvo lugar el dia 16 de Julio a las 7.00 am hora local, y nuestras actividades en la escuela "La Ciudad de los Niños" empezaron dos horas despues, a las 9 am. continued...
Sobre la Santisima Trinidad
"Como baja la lluvia y la nieve de lo alto del cielo, y no vuelven allá sin haber empapado y fecundado la tierra y haberla hecho germinar, dando la simiente para sembrar y el pan para comer, así la palabra que sale de mi boca no vuelve a mi vacía, sino que hace lo que yo quiero y cumple su misión." (Is. 55,10)
Si el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad ha sido revelado propiamente por Jesucristo, la pluralidad de personas se encuentra en el Antiguo Testamento de un modo velado. Dios, como Padre que instruye a sus hijos los hombres va revelando poco a poco conforme a su designio salvador: continued...
Wedding and beyond
10th of November 2007 was a landmark in my life, in our lifes. Julia and I were married in Torrent, her hometown. Well ..., it really was in El Vedat, who happens to be a poshy detached residential area, part of the Torrent thereabouts. There, at the heart of this neighbourhood, there is a hidden church which only appears to your sight after you have walked a few winding narrow streets. First you only see a tower outstanding the nearby chalets, and a few corners ahead then you suddenly discover the Iglesia de los Dominicos with all its greatness. continued...